Study Suggests Lower Mortality Risk for Overweight People - ". . . But a new report suggests that Miss Scheel may have been onto something. The report on nearly three million people found that those whose B.M.I. ranked them as overweight had less risk of dying than people of normal weight. And while obese people had a greater mortality risk over all, those at the lowest obesity level (B.M.I. of 30 to 34.9) were not more likely to die than normal-weight people.
The report, although not the first to suggest this relationship between B.M.I. and mortality, is by far the largest and most carefully done, analyzing nearly 100 studies, experts said. . . . "
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Judge Lets Musk’s Team Keep Access to Records at Some Agencies, for Now
Judge John D. Bates ruled that he had grave concerns about the privacy
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1 hour ago