Journal Times
She offered some tips on how to lose and maintain weight loss successfully, without obsessing or becoming addicted to stringent diets and compulsively working out. 1. Have a good support system of people in your life who support your health goals.
Dr. Oz's 5 Latest Diet Myths Busted
Diet Myth #1: If you want to lose weight, you should wait until you are hungry before you sit down to eat. “That my friends is a diet myth,” says Dr. Oz as he explains that our hunger is a lot like an air-filled balloon that shrinks when placed in ...
The Checkup: Fad Diets Don't Work for Most People, Study Says
Philadelphia Magazine (blog)
Of the two-thirds who try to lose weight, researchers found, the ones who are most successful are those who stick to the tried-and-true tenets of weight loss: eat less,exercise more, eat healthier foods. Proving? It ain't rocket science, people. Also ...
Philadelphia Magazine (blog)
Economist's View: 'It’s All About Health Care': "What these three charts tell you is simple: It’s all about health care. Spending on Social Security is expected to rise, but not particularly quickly. Spending on everything else is actually falling. It’s health care that contains most all of our future deficit problems. And the situation is even worse than it looks on this graph: Private health spending is racing upwards even faster than public health spending ..."
For Business Owners, the Health Care Details Begin to Emerge
New York Times (blog)
But one of the tabs in the sheet was titled “Health Care Reform” and laid out all of the ways that theAffordable Care Act — a k a Obamacare — would be changing the landscape. ... “Health insurance will be available for purchase through the exchanges.
Budget negotiators get options for $385B in health care savings, mostly from ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Hoping to head off wider health care cuts in upcoming budget talks, a think tank close to the White House is unveiling a plan for how to save $385 billion, mostly from Medicare. Medicaid and the new health care law are largely spared from ...
APNewsBreak: Fla. gov. wants to talk health care
CBS News
He made his first foray into politics by forming a group called Conservatives for Patients' Rights that ran TV ads criticizing health care reform before it was adopted by Congress. Florida led the legal battle to stop the health care overhaul and ...
Governor Jindal Confirms No On Health Care Exchange, Suggests Medicaid ...
Huffington Post
The Affordable Care Act mandated the creation of exchanges in each state, which will serve as clearinghouses in which private insurance plans can compete for business in a central database as long as they meet certain government-specified criteria, and ...
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