Zee News
Washington: Women in their seventies who exercise and eat healthy amounts of fruits and vegetables have a longer life expectancy, a new study has found. Researchers at the University of Michigan and Johns Hopkins University studied 713 women aged 70 to...
Zee News
My Gluten-Free Diet Disaster
Huffington Post
A couple of years ago, when my daughter Sammy was 9, some health issues she'd had pretty much since birth -- asthma and eczema -- suddenly became a whole lot worse. Her breathing tests showed reduced lung function and her entire body was itchy, ...
The Book of Daniel: Is It Really About Diet?
By Elizabeth Dias | May 31, 2012 | + The Bible is not a diet book. Study it as closely as you want, and you'll never find anything remotely approaching “10 Tips to Drop 10 Pounds.” And yet that same Bible has helped 15000 members of Rick Warren's ...
Children Look To Parents for Healthy Habits
Practices whereby parents put external, observable pressure on the child to eat ahealthy diet were considered to be 'directive control.' Practices whereby parents supported a healthy diet by motivational interactions aimed at child internalization and...
Trapped dental 'calculus' holds clues to ancient human diets and health
Reconstructing the full diet for people living in earlier periods is even more difficult. "We know very little about the vegetable and salad portion of the diet," said Christina Warinner, an archaeological geneticist at University of Zurich's Centre ...
Lose Weight The natural way With A Superior Fiber Diet
The Bakersfield Voice
Your weekly weight loss goal should be about one pound a week. Any more than a pound each week is too fast. If you try to lose weight too quickly, you are risking your health and will probably just gain it back. Just because you go on vacation, ...
New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks
New York Times
The measure would not apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes, or alcoholic beverages; it would not extend to beverages sold in grocery or convenience stores. “Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United ...
New York Times
Five ways to pack more produce into your diet
I've been informed by the folks at Whole Foods Market's "Health Starts Here" program that June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month. June begins Friday, so now's the perfect time to think about how you can integrate more produce -- and important ...
Mediterranean Diet Benefits Mental Health
Newsmax Health
Published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and released May 29, the study found that adiet based on fish, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts is positively linked to mental healthand quality of life.
Cash Helps People Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes
By Denise Mann May 29, 2012 -- Knowing you need to make healthy lifestyle changes like exercising more and eating less fat is, as most anyone knows, a lot different from actually doing it. Now new research shows that cold, hard cash may help more ...
Chaka Khan's weight loss due to extreme protein diet
The Grio
High protein diets are not a new way to lose weight, the most famous one being the Atkins diet, which promotes weight loss through the nearly complete exclusion of carbohydrates from one's meal plans. One of the reasons they tend to work so well — as ...
The Grio
Weight Watchers pays Jessica Simpson to diet
A spokesman from Weight Watchers declined to comment on the financial side of the deal, but ABC News reported that the weight loss company offered Simpson $3 million. The arrangement will allow the public to follow Simpson as she sheds weight from her ...
Practise what you preach: Mothers who want their children to eat healthy food ...
Daily Mail
Those who eat a healthy diet at home set the best example for children who subconsciously monitor every mouthful, according to researchers at Michigan State University. The scientists studied the eating habits of low-income families.
Daily Mail
Eating a Mediterranean diet 'improves mental as well as physical health'
Daily Mail
By Graham Smith Eating a Mediterranean diet is good for the mind as well as the body and improves a person's quality of life, according to researchers. The study found that the consumption of oil-rich Mediterranean foods, such as fish and seafood, ...
Daily Mail
Wodraska: Don't get burned by the acid diet
Salt Lake Tribune
The idea of an acid vs. alkaline diet isn't new, but it does seem to be gaining interest as more people tune in to how their bodies respond to certain foods. Proponents of alkaline diets believe we are at our healthiest when we are eating more alkaline ...
Healthy Skin Tips: 10 Surprising Things You Didn't Know
Huffington Post
"Your skin reflects your overall health," Dr. Tabor says, "so the best thing to remember is to eat ahealthy diet and avoid junk food, do not smoke, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. It is also important to read the ingredients on all ...
Mediterranean diet helps boost mental, physical health
Deccan Herald
Want to improve your mental and physical health? Then, resort to the daily Mediterranean diet, researchers say. A new study headed by a team from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Navarra in Spain found that the diet ...
Remote coaching helps improve diet, activity
The diet and activity levels of patients may be improved through use of mobile technology, remote coaching and financial incentives, according to results of a randomized controlled trial. Not following a physician's lifestyle change advice is a major ...
Live Better With the Mediterranean Diet
Men's Fitness
There are many ways to feel better, but a new study shows that the Mediterranean dietcan improve both your mental and physical health. Eating a Mediterranean diet has already been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, ...
Men's Fitness
Yes, dear... now for the secret hotdog
Independent Online
By Rob Waugh Wives rarely consult with husbands before putting them on a healthier diet. So, after three or four nights of healthy, low-fat food, men tend to slink off to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Men who meekly bow to diets “forced on them” by their ...
Independent Online
Tart cherries reduce osteoarthritis inflammation
Times of India
In fact, researchers from Oregon Health and Science University suggest tart cherries have the "highest anti-inflammatory content of any food" and can help people with osteoarthritis manage their disease. In a study of twenty women aged between 40 to 70 ...
Eat healthy -- your kids are watching
Science Daily (press release)
ScienceDaily (May 30, 2012) — If lower-income mothers want kids with healthy diets, it's best to adopt healthy eating habits themselves and encourage their children to eat good foods rather than use force, rewards or punishments, says a Michigan State ...
City Plans to Restrict Big-Size Soda Sales
Wall Street Journal
The mayor is proposing an amendment to the city health code to prohibit food-service establishments from selling sugary drinks in cups or containers larger than 16 ounces, aides to the mayor confirmed late Wednesday night, arguing that sugary drinks ...
Charlotte area blogger claims state violating free speech rights
Winston-Salem Journal
Steve Cooksey wants to help other people lose weight and get their diabetes under control the way he did, by eating a low-carbohydrate, meat-and-vegetables diet. So, like many people today, he started a blog to share his experience and offer advice.
New York City Plans to Ban Sale of Large Sugary Drinks
Fox News
The ban could take effect as soon as next March, and would not apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks or alcoholic beverages. Nor would it include drinks sold in grocery or convenience stores. Food establishments that don't downsize ...
Try the Stone Age diet
Sonoran News
My diet epiphany occurred while listening to Lance Dreher's radio program on KFYI on Saturdays from 5 to 6 pm Dreher was twice Mr. Universe, once Mr. America and is highly educated in exercise and nutrition. A few months ago, Dreher's guest speaker was ...
Sonoran News
Expatriate Health Insurance News: Mediterranean diet 'improves wellbeing'
Expatriate Healthcare
Expatriates who are relocating abroad to the Mediterranean could see their physical and mentalhealth improve as a result of the dietary habits in the region, cutting their chance of having to use international travel insurance policies to pay for ...
Cherries May Manage Pain And Reduce Inflammation
This well known phrase highlights the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet. One fruit in particular, tart cherries, has been discovered to have immense benefits. The Oregon Health & Science University recently presented research at the ...
Keeping the heart healthy benefits the brain
Those who have concerns over the health of their heart may avoid foods containing saturated fats or make exercise a regular part of their day. Now, it turns out that taking these steps has the potential to benefit these individuals' brains as well.
Myth-Busting Facts About Fat
MarketWatch (press release)
WASHINGTON, DC, May 30, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- For many individuals the bestdiet for weight loss and overall heart health consists of a balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fats -- including monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and ...
Mayor Proposes Ban On Big Size Sugary Drinks
The city's proposed ban on sugary drinks would apply to service in nearly all restaurants, movie theaters and street food carts and it is part of a Health Department aim to reduce obesity. The ban, which if approved would be the first of its kind in ...
NYC Seeks Ban On Large, Sugary Drinks
MediaPost Communications
The ban, supported by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, will be proposed as an amendment to the HealthCode at a June 12 meeting of the Board of Health, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. The ban would not affect diet sodas (or any beverage with fewer than 25 ...
Men Must Negotiate Diet Changes for Success
A small but insightful study suggests the best way to get married men to adopt healthier eating habits is when they can negotiate diet changes with their wives. This is valuable information for all the women who have tried every other trick in the book ...
Kids pick 'healthy eating habits from parents'
Newstrack India
Washington, May 31 (ANI- If lower-income mothers want their children to adopt healthy diets, it's best to take up healthy eating habits themselves and encourage their kids to eat good foods rather than use force, rewards or punishments, a new study has ...
Healthy party appetizers: Crispy Garlic Shrimp Skewers | This Mama ...
By Anne-Marie Nichols
A healthy party appetizer recipe for Crispy Garlic Shrimp SkewersCrispy Garlic Shrimp Skewers. ...Healthy recipes & lifestyle tips for busy moms & their families. Home · Updates · Advertise/Hire me! About me · Contact · Coupons · Recipe Box ...
This Mama Cooks! On a Diet™
Is my diet healthy, how could I improve? - Yahoo! Answers
Ok is this healthy... how could I improve? I most likely need more fruit and veg. ... ARE YOU JUST DIEING TO GET SLIM AND LOSE UNWANTED STOMACH FLAB.