Bloomberg's Tom Gibson reports on the chocolate made using fruit juice.
How to make diet and exercise work for you: Part 1
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)
Diet and exercise. That is the weight loss mantra preached by doctors, weight management experts and laypersons alike. While you had to have been living under a rock to miss the message that a combination of these approaches can be a successful ...
How to lose weight after pregnancy
Times of India
If you step on the scale several days after you give birth, then you will likely have one of two reactions - disappointment or complete horror - as your weight loss is either not as much as you had hoped, or in some cases, your weight might not have ...
10 Celebrities Looking Great After Their Dramatic Weight Loss
Just like regular folk, some celebrities have problems with their weight. They try everything to lose it - diet, exercise, and sometimes even surgery. Singer Carnie Wilson had a gastric band fitted in January after gaining back the majority of the ...
71 lb. Dachshund's weight loss is inspiration
ETMC Medical Resource Guide · Senior Resource · Women's Health · Men's Health · Win Stuff · Birthday Club ... Foster mom Nora Vanatta volunteered to take on the extra weight of this meaty dog, after reading about Obie on the Oregon Dachshund rescue ...
Does Shaming the Overweight Make Weight Loss Harder?
Everyday Health
"People who are larger and then they lose weight, you will always look in the mirror and see yourself as that fat girl, no matter what happens," she said, according to the celebrity gossip site FitPerez. "I don't see myself as that any more, but I did ...
Well-timed high-fat diet could help metabolism: Study
London Free Press
When it comes to weight loss, it may be less about what you eat and more about when you eat. At least, that's the ... The results showed that while all groups gained weight, mice fed a high-fat dietat regular, fixed times ended up with a lower final ...
She Lost 80 Pounds on the ... Starbucks Diet
Glamour (blog)
This could be a pricey way to lose weight, obviously, and some might have a hard time with the lack of food choices (I mean, how many times a week can you really have the southwest chicken panini and not get sick of it?). Also, some health experts ...
Glamour (blog)
Innovative Diet Plans
It is based on the principle of balancing the six core functions of your body, that are digestive, adrenal, hormonal, neurotransmitter, inflammation response and detoxification, to result in healthyweight loss. This diet has ... Loss Diet Joel Marion ...
Researchers Examine Commercial Weight Loss Program - Health ...
Itrim is based on available research on sustained weight loss through diet and exercise. Each participant selects one of three diets at the start of the at a ...
GOP health care reform needs explanation
Superior Telegram
Currently, millions of people with health problems have a difficult time getting health insurance, including cost and coverage provisions. Providing care is more expensive for sick people than the healthy. Obamacare would prevent insurance carriers ...
Affordable Care Act: A wild change in the numbers
The Seattle Times
The CBO blames the differences on a continuing grim outlook for the economy and changes brought about by the Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act. The CBO anticipates that some states won't expand their Medicaid programs at all or ...
Health care tax penalty won't affect 98 percent of Americans
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 6 million Americans — significantly more than first estimated— will face a health care tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would ...
ObamaCare's Health Insurance Rebates May Make Insurance More Expensive
Reason (blog)
“Thanks to the law," HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a press release discussing the provision, "our health care system is more transparent and more competitive, and that's saving Americans real money.” Journalists covering the provision have ...
Reason (blog)
52 Reasons to Vote for Obama: #6, Reformed Health Care
Huffington Post
The Affordable Care Act aims to bring health care costs under control and help more people get affordable health insurance coverage, including the fifty million who are uninsured today. By requiring ... So what are the benefits of health care reform ...
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