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Don't let travel derail your diet: Five ways to stay on track Kansas City Star By SARAH METZGER August marks one of the busiest summer months and an opportunity to get out of our regular routine. It's a time to take that weekend road trip or finally book the long-awaited extended vacation. But your liberation also means a rise in ... | ||
Excess salt intake bad for the brain AHN | All Headline News It has long been known that too much salt in the diet coupled with too little activity can lead to high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. Now, new research shows that excessive salt intake and lack of exercise is bad for the brain. ... | ||
Steps to Health: A few diets now getting big buzz San Antonio Express It seems just as one trendy diet falls out of favor, two more pop up to take its place. Among the most egregious get-thin-quick strategies are the baby-food diet, which is exactly what it sounds like, and the mysteriously enduring Master Cleanse, ... | ||
An Industry-Funded Diet Study the Media Is Sure to Love The Atlantic Advising people who weigh an average of 76 kg (167 pounds) to consume a healthy diet doesn't work. Study subjects did not change their diets by much during the six months of the trial. No news here. Advising people to add things to their diets has a ... | ||
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Food for Life targets diet and nutrition McMurray Almanac It is designed to help local residents prevent and survive cancer through proper diet and nutrition. The Cancer Prevention and Survival Course is planned at Changing Seasons Center for Conscious Living off McMurray Road at 6:30 pm Wednesdays in ... | ||
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The no-tray diet: Carry less, eat less Topeka Capital Journal By AP SALINA — Students at Kansas State University's Salina campus won't be able to carry their food on trays in the university's cafeterias. The university decided to eliminate the trays this fall in an effort to reduce food waste. ... | ||
Gluten-free not fun for all HeraldNet Although going gluten-free has become the latest diet trend, it's a way of life for people with Celiac disease. Celiac disease has been documented in the medical literature for more than 100 years, but until 10 years ago most doctors knew very little ... | ||
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Fasting the Anna Hazare way Times of India However, macrobiotic diet expert Shonali Sabherwal says she doesn't believe in completely depriving the body of nutrition and suggests keeping your intake to the bare minimum. "Fasting helps your body release toxins and become lighter. ... | ||
How Long-Term Travel Turned Me Into A Minimalist Huffington Post I want to keep the light, well-edited minimalism of travel with me now always. Sasha Cagen is an author, entrepreneur, and life coach who splits her time between the US and South America. Check out her site at sashacagen.com. Follow her on Twitter . by ... | ||
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Diet food you need most: High protein snacks Huntington Herald Dispatch If just the thought of starting another diet leaves you hungrier than a teenager at soccer camp, we've got two words for you: protein snacks. Yes, plural! Adding not one but two high-protein snacks a day to a pounds-off program sets you up for three ... | ||
COLUMN: Having a healthy diet worth the requisite planning Oklahoma Daily Students' poor eating choices could be to blame for falling asleep in class, drifting off during powerpoints or trying to disguise the strange noises coming from your stomach. Many students begin the school year without access to a meal plan and find ... | ||
Healthy Diet Benefits Environment Food Product Design The researchers examined the association between switching to a healthier diet consisting of cereal, potatoes and rice, plenty of vegetables and only a little meat, and its effect on the environment. They found a healthy diet would help to save ... | ||
TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Kilgore News Herald DONOHUE: You've written about the DASH diet in the past. The directions for it are quite general. Can you provide an itemized list of what is good and what is bad to eat? It makes things simpler for me. — FL ANSWER: The DASH (Dietary Approaches to ... | ||
Stop looking for diet tips and start looking for results Winnipeg Sun If the low carb “looks”-based diet is right for you, then go for it. My preference is to the enjoyment of life. I consult with dieticians, and once in a while get strict. But my job is to do that. It's not the norm, it's the exception. ... | ||
Ask the Diet Doctor: Egg Whites vs. Whole Eggs Shape Magazine The belief was that by removing cholesterol from your diet, your cholesterol levels would go down – sounds like it makes sense, right? Unfortunately, or fortunately, your body is much more complex than that. Over the past several decades research has ... | ||
Diet Center Glens Falls Post-Star Diet Center® has been a recognized leader in the weight loss industry for over 35 years. During that time we have developed effective weight loss programs that have helped millions of people shed pounds and inches. Our diet programs are developed from ... | ||
Wild stock market could make you eat more msnbc.com Yes, your diet can affect your smile. Click to see which veggies can help keep your choppers white and bright and get more of TODAY's do-it-yourself “Detox your life” tips. People who are led to think resources are scarce pick high-calorie foods over ... | ||
Diet and Lifestyle Change Treatment for Asthma THISDAY Live Natural remedies for asthma not only include breathing exercises and herbal remedies, but making changes to your diet and lifestyle are equally important. • Include lots of fresh and clean food items rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins A, B, and C, ... | ||
Will Bill Clinton's vegan diet save him from a heart attack? from ... Clinton previously told Blitzer that he shed 24 pounds on the diet. “I got back to basically what I weighed in high school, but I did it because after I had ... www.boston.com/Boston/dailydose/2011/.../index.html | ||
Diet Crutches: What Works, What Doesn't - Health.com Let's face it: The rules of weight loss—eat less, move more, treats in moderation—are kind of a drag. Cue diet crutches: little tricks that may or may not ... www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20517473,00.html |
Judge Lets Musk’s Team Keep Access to Records at Some Agencies, for Now
Judge John D. Bates ruled that he had grave concerns about the privacy
issues raised but that the case did not meet the high legal bar for
immediately bloc...
1 hour ago