WebMD (blog)
Capsule Summary of the Science: The first chunk of new science presented in the book—based on NIH research by Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse — was possible through the use of unique brain scans (PET and functional ...
WebMD (blog)
Modest diet, exercise help weight loss
Times of India
Hall used a mathematical computer model of human metabolism — currently intended for research conducted by scientists and health professionals — to calculate the diet and exercise changes underlying the observed body weight loss. Because ... also ...
Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise as Weight-Loss Aid, Study Says
U.S. News & World Report
"The question was to see if more weight loss could be achieved if we provided decent qualitylifestyle intervention, mostly dietary counseling, along with this medication," said study lead author Dr. Kishore Gadde, director of the Obesity Clinical ...
32 before 32: Kick starting my weight-loss journey
Washington Post (blog)
You have to do something drastic to kick start your weight loss.” No, she's not talking about liposuction, something I have considered if I ever hit the lottery. (P.S. I've never played the lottery, so if I suddenly won that in itself would be a ...
Serious Science: Helmets Prevent Injuries, Exercise Can Help Sustain Weight ...
At the competition's end, diet alone was calculated to be responsible for more weight loss thanexercise, with 65 percent of the weight loss consisting of body fat and 35 percent consisting of lean mass like muscle. In contrast, the ... The simulations ...
4 Ways To Avoid Post-Menopause Weight Gain (TIPS/PICTURES)
Huffington Post UK
Natural declines in energy expenditure cause older women to find weight-loss methods become less effective, according to research by the University of Pittsburgh. So, if the diet and exercisecombination isn't working, how can ladies in this age group ...
Dr. Andy: Here's the skinny on weight loss drugs
The News-Press
Other side effects of weight loss meds can include palpitations, elevated blood pressure, dry mouth and more. We are learning that we need to attack obesity more aggressively. Of course, exercise and diet are the keys, but medications certainly play a ...
Half of Australia's 'tweenagers' are on a crash diet
Doctors warned yesterday that chubby kids on crash diets risk stunting their growth. New findings from the nation's longest-running study of Australian families reveals that 75 per cent of "tweenagers" - aged 10 and 11 - have tried to lose weight in ...
Lapse and relapse prevention cheat sheet: all dieters slip up
You've been so “good” on your diet: You lost weight, exercised every day for months – it's all going so well. Then it ... So, avoid thoughts like "I can't lose weight — it's in my genes," "I'll never be able to exercise three times a week,” "I can't ...
Addiction a Risk After Weight Loss Surgery
People who undergo weight loss surgery may be at risk of addictive behaviors such as drug or alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking. ... Diet, Food & Fitness ...
Wichita health care providers anticipate changes after presidential election
Kansas City Star
Sweet, whose work focuses on providing services for the poor and those with HIV/AIDS, said she favors universal access to health care coverage and said the Affordable Care Act helps in that regard. “I look at this from the patients' perspective,” Sweet ...
First-Ever Forbes Health Care Conference To Focus On Transparency And ...
The theme of the day will be how unshackling market forces can help us face up to some of the biggest problems facing our society: not only ballooning health carecosts but also the epidemics of Alzheimer's, obesity, and diabetes that help drive them...

Where Do the Candidates Stand on Health Care Issues?
Throughout the presidential campaign, health care has been one of the top issues on voters' minds. The presidential and vice-presidential nominees of the two parties have starkly different visions for how to control costs, improve access to care and ...
Health Insurance: Is it Opt Out or Cop Out?
Last December, the Niagara Falls Reporter broke the story of how Niagara Falls Council member Kristen Grandinetti was wrongfully overpaid for health insurance opt-out money as a result of being misclassified. By being listed as married (she's single ...

Lack of Health Insurance Does Kill People
By Paul Krugman, New York Times
But that's only because he doesn't want to see them; if he did, he'd have to acknowledge the ugly reality of what will happen if he and Paul Ryan get their way on health care. Last week, speaking to The Columbus Dispatch, Mr. Romney ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Kansas City Star
Sweet, whose work focuses on providing services for the poor and those with HIV/AIDS, said she favors universal access to health care coverage and said the Affordable Care Act helps in that regard. “I look at this from the patients' perspective,” Sweet ...
First-Ever Forbes Health Care Conference To Focus On Transparency And ...
The theme of the day will be how unshackling market forces can help us face up to some of the biggest problems facing our society: not only ballooning health carecosts but also the epidemics of Alzheimer's, obesity, and diabetes that help drive them...
Where Do the Candidates Stand on Health Care Issues?
Throughout the presidential campaign, health care has been one of the top issues on voters' minds. The presidential and vice-presidential nominees of the two parties have starkly different visions for how to control costs, improve access to care and ...
Health Insurance: Is it Opt Out or Cop Out?
Last December, the Niagara Falls Reporter broke the story of how Niagara Falls Council member Kristen Grandinetti was wrongfully overpaid for health insurance opt-out money as a result of being misclassified. By being listed as married (she's single ...
Lack of Health Insurance Does Kill People
By Paul Krugman, New York Times
But that's only because he doesn't want to see them; if he did, he'd have to acknowledge the ugly reality of what will happen if he and Paul Ryan get their way on health care. Last week, speaking to The Columbus Dispatch, Mr. Romney ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Another British Health Care Horror Story - The American Spectator
By Ross Kaminsky
In addition to the usual tripe about how not giving someone something for free equates to "depriving" them, Krugman stubbornly clings to the assertion that it is lack of health insurance that kills people, not, you know, whatever they die from.
The Spectacle Blog
TaxProf Blog: Utz: The Affordable Care Act and Tax Policy
By Paul Caron
The Affordable Care Act fails to coordinate the impact of tax burdens on individuals with the global aim of extending the availability of health care insurance. The price of private health insurancedepends in this country on who buys it; large ...
TaxProf Blog
How we can consumerize health care - O'Reilly Radar
By DJ Patil
Recently I wrote about one my my key product principles that is particularly relevant for designing software for the enterprise. The principle is called the Zero Overhead Principle, and it states that no feature may add training costs to the user.
O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis,...
Psychologists Sans Frontières: Bringing Mental Health Care to ...
In the refugee camps of Kenya and beyond, psychologists are an integral part of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams. On the heels of World Mental Health Day 2012, this article examines the vital role they play in ...
Doctors Without Borders
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